The National Institute for Resiliency and Wellness (NIRW) Presents:
Healing the Inside Child: Brain Based and Wellness Approaches for Schools and Classrooms. (A Trauma Informed Attachment Program)
Note: There are currently no scheduled boot camps. Email for more information.
Course Description: Students, teachers and schools are hit today with many pressures and overwhelming events putting them at the end of their wits and desperate for some understanding and additional support. This program draws from attachment research, the psychology of regulation, brain and body research, and what we know about the effects of stress and trauma and how to engage it at its source. It is not about putting band-aids on behavioral symptoms. Instead, it is about assisting schools and educators in reducing stress, and moving toward conscious mindful interactions with the students they serve. This course provides effective holistic strategies for teachers and support staff and ultimately for their students to be successful not only in the classroom, but also in their lives. This training is also dedicated to helping schools and families struggling to help any child suffering from ADHD, autism, anxiety, attachment disruption, depression, trauma, and other current school difficulties.
"Thanks to the Healing the Inside Child program we doubled our state academic rankings! Thank you John!"
Sherry Bledsoe, Principal, Saginaw Schools
"The most powerful and meaningful training I have ever been to! Disruptive classrooms are now peaceful in my school"
Lanisha Spiller, Principal, Kalamazoo Schools
"In two weeks the entire class was turned around and their test scores are shooting through the roof. Our kids used to be pop bottles, ready to explode at any moment, now they are water bottles!"
Mari Kay Kartz, 3rd Grade Teacher, Saginaw Schools
"John Micsak, the symposium key note (National Trauma Practitioners Assembly) has made a significant contribution to the field of childhood trauma with his resiliency and sensory outreach programs."
Dr. Cathy Malchiodi, Psychology Today
"John's multi-sensory de-escalation room (which we call our Monarch room) has made a huge difference in our high school and middle school. We finally have a highly effective way to work with our most challenging youth!"
Latrice Bailey, Social Worker, Detroit Schools
9AM - 10:30AM
Module 1: Trauma, Stress and our Children
• The 8 Components of the Stress Response
• The breakdown of the "Village" and Disconnected Students
• Adverse Child Events: The impact on Brain Structure, Brain Chemistry and Learning.
• The Number One Reason why Students don't succeed?
• The Red, Yellow and Green Brain (Triune Brain)
• Gas Pedal vs. Brake Pedal (Autonomic Nervous System)
• Hypo-aroused and Hyper-aroused Students.
10:30AM - 10:45AM
10:45AM - 12:15PM
Module 2: Mindful Teaching and Self-Exploration
• Educators Self-Inventory
• Schools: Befriending the Fear Factor
• The Roots of Extraordinary Teaching
• Exploring our Personal Life Narratives
• Understanding Compassion Fatigue
• Mind Sets and Mindfulness
12:15PM - 1:15PM
1:15PM - 2:45PM
Module 3: The Biological Imperative: Relationship
• Group Building Activity: Find your School Family
• Why Students are in a Survival Mode
• Building Attachment and Connection for all Students
• Risky vs Protective Teachers.
• The 5 most Important Needs for Students.
• Time in and Containment
2:45PM - 3PM
3:00PM - 4:30PM
Module 4: Extraordinary Teaching: 24 Relational Skills
• Relational Imprinting /Acknowledge children
• Micro-connecting /Read the need
• Being vs doing /Acceptance /Compassion /Curiosity Physical affection / Fun factor
• Non-verbal communication/ Para-verbal Communication/Name it to tame it/ Connect and redirect / Shut up and listen/Flip the script /Find solutions not related to the problem
• Presence/ Use discipline to teach/ Problem solving/Relational rituals/Share in a child's passion / Rupture and repair/ Visualize
9AM - 10:30AM
Module 5: School Environment: "The (B)Rain Forest"
• Restoring Sanctuary for our Children
• "The (B)rain Forest": Nourishing vs Toxic Environments
• Breaking the Cycle of the School to Prison Pipeline.
• Temperature Review: Assessing your School Environment
• Environmental Readiness Checklist
• Welcoming Atmosphere: "All Hands on Deck"
• Creating Baseline Conditions for Safety and Positive Growth
• Hot Zones, Attachment Teams and 10 Protective Factors
• School Transitions: 10 tips to Stop the Chaos.
• Safe Places and Safe Faces
10:30AM - 10:45AM
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10:45AM - 12:15PM
Module 6: A Brain Based Wellness Classroom
• Classroom Guidelines
• A "Peaceful Place"
• Assessing your Physical Structure
• Multi-Sensory Interventions/Creative Arts
• Practicing the Relaxation Response
• Movement and Tension Release
• Creating Energized and Motivated Students
• Energy and Learning Style Options
• Creating Joy and Fun
• Classroom Time ins and Morning Circles
• Rituals: Wellness Mondays/Fun Friday's
• Embedding Regulation Practices into Curriculum
12:15PM - 1:15PM
1:15PM - 2:45PM
Module 7: Constructing The T.R.E.E. (Trauma Recovery Experiences and Enrichment) Room
• Why it is a MUST for every school with trauma impacted students
• Basic Equipment and Sensory Tools
• Calming and Alerting Activities
• Mindfulness and Bi-Lateral Stimulation
• Bio Feedback and Multi-Sensory Activities
• Processing Stories/Expressive Therapies
• Grounding Techniques
2:45PM -3:00PM
3:00PM - 4:30PM
Module 8: Motor-Sensory-Arousal work
• Understanding Neural Diversity and Neuroception
• Reducing Toxic Sensory Experiences
• Introducing Sensory "Nutrition"
• Understanding the 8 sensory systems (audio, visual, taste, smell, touch, proprioception, vestibular and interoception)
• Sensory Rooms, Boxes, Carts and Learning Centers
• Assessment and Check Lists/ Wellness Plans/ Co- Regulation
9AM - 10:30
Module 9: Regulation vs. Traditional Discipline
• Triune Brain and Nervous System Assessment
• Dealing with Peer to Peer Aggression
• Pyramid of Short Term Recovery
• 10 Strategies for De-escalation
• 5 keys to Short Term Recovery
• 5 Questions to Ask in a Crises
• Video Case Review: "Explosion in the Classroom"
• Developing Individualized Safety Plans.
10:30AM - 10:45AM
10:45AM - 12:15PM
Module 10: Individual Counseling with Students
• The 3 most Critical Components when Counseling Students
• Advanced Counseling: The Body and Mind Approach
• Attachment and Resourcing work
• Tracking, Titration and Pendulation
• Processing Stories through Non-verbal Techniques (e.g., Drawing)
• Tapping into the Power of Energy Psychology with your Students.
• Neurophysiological Considerations for a 504 or IEP plan
12:15 - 1:15PM
1:15PM - 2:45PM
Module 11: Dissemination Protocols
• Roll out Plans
• Dream Teams/Implementation Teams
• Research Options.
• Policy through a Trauma Informed Attachment Lens
• NIRW feedback, Consultation and Follow-up.
• Wrap-Around Services/Community Networking
• Check Lists and Surveys for Educators.
2:45PM - 3:00PM
3:00PM - 4:30PM
Module 12: Care for the Care Giver
• Goal Setting/Resource Lists
• Sunshine Sheets and Personal DeveloPMent
• Individual Wellness Plans.
• Finding your Passion Back
• A Body and Mind Experience leaving you Re-energized.
• Closure and Certificates
"Everything is going much better."
Dear John,
(re: adoptive daughter)
Now that I have a different approach and new strategies, everything is going much better. Even my family is looking at my daughter and noticing the changes in her along with summer school staff. She brought home a progress report that had all the classes that she is taking with passing on it and she was so proud of herself. It was really amazing to see! Thanks again so much for all the help during the fabulous boot camp!
Kim Galarno Foster Care Therapist, Holy Cross Children Services
"I've Never Been to a Training Like This Before..."
"John Micsak has outstanding hands on experience with the most troubled youth. He provides one example after another. I took 15 pages of notes and strategies. I've never been to a training like this before; the workshop itself was a sensory experience."
Dr. Karen Stubenbort University of Pittsburg
"A training that can truly make a difference in the healing of our communities..."
"WOW! This is a training that can truly make a difference in the healing of our communities. "Healing the Inside Child" is much more than ground breaking information – it's an experience that will change the way you look at yourself and others. Thank you John!"
Vivien Finnigan Child and Family Counselor St. Elizabeth Healthcare Hospice, Northern KY
"Startling New Developments in the Area of Childhood Trauma..."
"John Micsak's workshop was recently rated as the top presentation at the (MEAAY) Michigan Educational Association for Adjudicated Youth conference in Lansing, John provides startling new developments in the area of childhood trauma, neurophysiological (body-mind) research, positive youth psychology and resiliency work with at risk children and adolescents."
The Michigan Federation for Children and Family State News Lansing, MI
"With short powerful bursts of information coupled with hard-hitting videos, Micsak transmits a powerful message that any adult working with a child needs to hear. "
"John Micsak recently presented in London Ontario at a local trauma conference sponsored by the National Institute for Trauma and Loss in Children. We call our group TLC London and were very excited to welcome John to our mid-sized Canadian city. John was a dynamic and riveting speaker and presented on Healing the Inside Child: Brain Based and Wellness Approaches with challenging children and Adolescents.
As a principal and a school social worker as well as both being trauma and loss consultant specialists, our number one dilemma is consulting with teachers who report " I cannot do ANYTHING with the child" or "nothing works" and often we are faced with a teacher who wants to like the child but is finding the behaviour nothing short of impossible. Parents also frequently turn to schools to find the answers to a child who seems to have lost the motivation to succeed or to seek help with parenting a child who seems unable to listen or follow a simple behaviour plan.
John Micsak reminds us that trauma changes us at a cellular level. Regulation is the key to any successful plan for success whether it is in the home or the school or community setting. With short powerful bursts of information coupled with hard-hitting videos, Micsak transmits a powerful message that any adult working with a child needs to hear. Micsak prompts us to seek answers in the brain-body-mind paradigm and capture the healing that is transferred in safe, predictable and nurturing responses.
Micsak challenges to think in a new way about time out and instead offer a reparative and healing time in or time away program. He brings new meaning to offering a child "a safe place and a safe face". Teaching parents about the value of knowing when the most powerful moments of the day are for a soothing healing intervention is only one of the many strategies Micsak teaches in a training day. I have used a variation of Micsak's 'wellness cards' with children, teaching them the value of identifying understanding their triggers to trauma and stress and helping them build their own action plan as well as being able to ask for support and help from the caring adults around them.
Micsak's message is not only passionate about 'what to do' to reach a child with "danger brain" but he also expertly guides the participant to resolve what participants should not do! Micsak's program is relationship-based and he himself provides a warm intuitive approach that allows participants to believe in the strength of every single positive human interaction.
We were enriched by his contribution to our local program and are excited about future presentations in his program."
Barb Dorrington & Barb Desjardins School Social Worker and Principal
"One of the most dynamic and motivational speakers to use neurobiological research... "
"John Micsak is one of the most dynamic and motivational speakers to use neuro-biological research with common sense to improve our clinical intervention with traumatized children and adolescents to come around in a long time! Thanks John!”
John Mills. LMSW, ACSW School Social Worker, Eaton Intermediate School District, Charlotte, MI
"Healing the Inside Child is a "medium rare approach" to wellness approaches and therapy for children and youth."
"In my twenty five year of clinical continuing education, this workshop was the most relevant, meaningful and well balanced presentation I have participated in. John's presentation of Healing the Inside Child is a "medium rare approach" to wellness approaches and therapy for children and youth."
David Lyke Chief Operating Officer, Albany Park Community Center, Chicago, IL
"Off the charts, phenomenal!"
"Thank you, thank you! Best and most practical seminar I ever attended. So informative! Can't express enough gratitude, well share and spread. Off the charts, phenomenal!"
Christina Meli Youth Program Director, Baldwin Center, Pontiac, MI
"According to John Micsak... "
"I am writing today from the 2009 National Institute for Trauma and Loss Annual Symposium, a gathering of trauma specialists from around the US who share an interest in sensory and somatic interventions for traumatized children and their families. According to John Micsak, symposium keynote and director of a resiliency outreach program for youth, addressing three regions of the brain can help. These regions are defined as 1) the thinking brain [cortex] responsible for abstract reasoning; 2) the emotional brain [limbic] responsible for affect regulation, empathy, affiliation, and tolerance; and 3) the survival brain [brain stem or reptilian] responsible for fight or flight, heartbeat, and other body regulation functions."
Dr. Cathy Malchiodi "Psychology Today" May, 2009
"This is one of the best trainings I have ever attended... "
"This is one of the best trainings I have ever attended because the information was research based, evidence based and current Not only was it fun, but it was enlightening, refreshing and reassuring. Additionally, the information was presented form heart to heart. We felt it in our souls!"
Yvette Orr School Social Worker, Grand Rapids Public School District, Grand Rapids, MI
"...very progressive."
"Great seminar, very progressive. This information will benefit me personally and consequently those around me... my family, my staff, my residents"
Troy Huff Home Coordinator, Alabama Youth Home
Additional benefits of the Boot Camp Event!
Text Book:
Healing the Inside Child: Cutting Edge Strategies with Traumatized Youth.
Training Manual:
Module worksheets for each module that will help you focus and create the essential information you need in all the cutting edge disciplines.
1-Hour Consultation:
Follow up one hour phone consultation with John Micsak.
Top Secret Resource Listings:
A list of the best resources in the disciplines of trauma informed work, resiliency research and brain and body science.
Instructor Certification:
Your listing as a certified instructor on the National Institute for Resiliency and Wellness website.
Wishing you a destiny with integrity and influence,
John Micsak